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Since planning permission was originally obtained, there have been a range of changes to building regulations and national policies relating to Biodiversity Net Gain and building safety. The market context has also changed significantly in the years since the original planning consent.

For these reasons, there has been a need to review the plans for the residential-led development at Plot 2&3, in response to the changing regulatory and policy context. This in turn has provided an opportunity to identify enhancements to the proposed residential development and public realm, creating The Iron Works - a vibrant new canalside community in Bristol’s Temple Quarter.

No, this is a standalone planning application for Plot 2&3 only. The rest of the Silverthorne Lane development is unaffected and work is progressing well on delivering the student accommodation and new school elements of the regeneration project.

In response to the significant regulatory and policy changes that have been introduced since the original planning application for Silverthorne Lane, StudioHIVE has appointed a professional team to undertake a comprehensive review of Plot 2&3. This identified a number of opportunities to deliver an enhanced residential scheme, with design improvements including:

  • More spacious homes with an increase in the average unit size, with no single aspect north facing apartments and all with a view of the water
  • Increased generosity, daylighting and natural ventilation to shared access spaces
  • Enhanced connectivity and accessibility of Feeder Canal
  • Enhanced visibility of retail frontages to Feeder Square
  • Improved canalside walkway and connection to plots 5 (school) & 6 (student accommodation)
  • Responses to changing context, such as potential to link to the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus to the north and the emerging St Philip’s masterplan to the south
  • Enhanced relationship to the school site
  • Reduced overlooking

The proposals are for new residential-led scheme for Plot 2&3 called The Iron Works, delivering:

  • Circa 430 build to rent residential apartments split across three buildings
  • Affordable Private Rent apartments
  • Increased residential amenity spaces with facilities including a gym, private dining rooms, screening rooms, games rooms, co-working space and private podium gardens.
  • A vibrant lower and upper ground floor providing in excess of 1,500 sqm retail / food and beverage / office space.
  • The creation of a connected, characterful destination from the regeneration of a post-industrial city centre site.
  • Well considered series of public realm spaces to provide enhanced connectivity and permeability between Silverthorne Lane and the Feeder Canal.
  • Enhancements to the canalside walk proposed in the original planning consent, including a new bridge taking the walkway across the Feeder Canal inlet.
  • The creation of extensive high-quality publicly accessible open space on a post-industrial site that was previously closed off to city community for generations.
  • The opportunity to deliver a new ferry stop alongside the development.
  • Extensive planting and creation of green spaces, with approximately 100 new trees, delivering biodiversity net gain.

The revised plans aim to deliver a development that achieves BREEAM Outstanding rating for sustainability, and at a minimum achieve BREEAM Excellent. It aims to be a low or indeed Zero Net Carbon development which, with increased open space and landscape planting including 100 new trees, it will exceed Biodiversity Net Gain requirements.

Discussions are under way with Bristol Ferry to create a new ferry stop at the Feeder Canal inlet, assisting expansion of ferry services and providing more sustainable travel options for residents of The Iron Works and visitors to the vibrant new canalside community.

The revised proposals do not propose changing any of the approved highways and access arrangements into the site, ensuring there is no impact on the wider regeneration and surrounding area.

The regeneration of Silverthorne Lane will transform Silverthorne Lane East into a pedestrian-priority space, with separation for walkers and cyclists, vastly improving pedestrian and cycle access between the east of the city and Temple Quarter. There will be very limited vehicular movement in this area, with Plot 6 being car-free and limited staff parking at plot 5, with a focus on sustainable transport given the highly sustainable location of the new school. Car parking provision at Plot 2&3 in our revised proposals is reduced overall from 90 parking bays to 14 reflecting the highly sustainable location of the site, reducing traffic movements in the area compared to the consented scheme.

Works to Silverthorne Lane West will improve sightlines and control traffic speeds, improving pedestrian safety and creating a more inviting and accessible environment.

In the revised proposals, the intention is to provide exciting opportunities for local food and beverage businesses in the commercial spaces, as well as start-up space for local businesses and community groups. We are keen to hear from potential operators. If you are a business interested in becoming part of this vibrant new canalside community, please contact

A planning application is to be submitted later in the summer of 2024. This will then be considered by Bristol City Council, including statutory consultation with technical consultees and the wider public. In the meantime, delivery works for the wider Silverthorne Lane development will continue.

You can find out more about the wider Silverthorne Lane development here.

No, this is a standalone planning application for Plot 2&3 only. The rest of the Silverthorne Lane development is unaffected.

You can contact our consultation team by telephone on 01225 667097 or by email at Alternatively, you can complete our online contact form here.

Our intention is to be on site as soon as possible post-Planning Consent being granted and to complete the development by Q1 2029, subject to Bristol City Council planning timescales.